Thank you Doug C. for the Groupme message service. Thank you to the kiters ripping it up at Montana for leaving a message. This one was not on my radar at all.
I started out by figuring out which of my wind nut buddies I could get to go to Montana on a whim for a thermal session on the freezing water. Scott Rowe. Except Scott was banged up from a muscle strain he got while skiing on the 22nd of April.
I went for it without a windsurf partner and was rewarded as the thermal held, and strengthened a bit late into the afternoon. Greg, Chris, and Gary H. were all foiling still when I arrived, with kites up in the clean air. The water at Montana was fairly flat, a good indication of this being a thermal event. No real lake swell to speak of in the 20 mph winds. the other indicator of a thermal event at IBay was the gust in the meter being within 2-3 mph of the average.
With tons of hope I rigged up a 6.5 pretty flat with my 116L board and headed out. I hit the wind line 20 yards off the wind, and the season officially started for me with a bang. I spent an hour on the water, with Gary and Chris hucking big jumps along the pier while I tried to lay my sail down on jibes in the flat windless area by the beach. I missed one jibe on the outside, and two on the inside…but who’s counting. The sun was shining, and I am sunburned and smiling from ear to ear. At one point Scott arrived to watch, and got a couple short vids of jumps and jibes that I will put up on the Rochester Windsports Facebook page.