New Forum Limping into action

Home Page Discussion Forum General Windsports Discussion New Forum Limping into action

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    • #3287

      Congrats if you have found your way to the new forum here.  I’m having a few hiccups as I try to make the new forum jive with the old website.  I’m not big on this half page action that is going on, but lets see what happens.

      Hopefully you will notice at the top of this page in you have the option to log in or register.  You should be able to gain access using your pre-existing user name and password.  From there you can start to explore some of the new options.

      Please let me know what your opinion is while you are using the forum so that I can make it best suit all of us.

      Tweaks still to come!

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by windydoug.
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by windydoug.
    • #3290

      You can also sign in on the right hand side of the page at the forum log in area.

    • #3301

      Bear with me, I think I’ve found a fix that will work!  Gonna be a couple days though.


    • #3302

      OK, got logged-in.

      Interface is somewhat “low-contrast”…hard to see, but I’m sure you’ll figure out how to fix that.


    • #3354

      Forum looks like a winner Doug…thanks for updating it…knee hardware appears to be sporting grade carving jibe caliber for sure…see you out there shredding it soon.

    • #3377

      So here’s the latest on the evolution of this website and forum, whether you care or not:

      This whole deal began to turn into an “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” kind of situation.  This website is built around free and open programming called WordPress (the hosting or internet file home, does cost me money).  Wordpress has many user created “Themes” that are the backbone and looks of a site.  You then search for and add features called “Plug ins” and they give you galleries, and menu bars, social media links, smartphone flexibility etc….

      The forums are plug ins.  The old one had not been updated by the creator in three years, it caused errors for me and was limited in that it did not function well on tablets or smartphones.  The plus was that it was easy when I began all this.  I’ve now learned a little and wanted more features, so I decided to go with the new forum plug in.

      Buuuut, the new forum didn’t jive with my old theme. Doh!  So then I had to go back to the old forum, or search for a new theme.  Well, if you checked back daily over the past few days you may have noticed that the website kept looking differently (new themes)…I found a new theme, but it did not enable all the  social connecting features of the new forum (but did show the forum nicely)…back to the drawing board which has us/me to this point.  The forum looks good.  You can access a bunch of new social features if you’d like (if you are a registered user), but still working out some wrinkles…..the home page slideshow (called a slider) has a lower resolution, there are two menu bars at the top……..I’m satisfied enough and too tired from staying up too late to work on it.

      I’ll do up a new features and how to post (called a topic now) as soon as I can.

      Thanks for visiting.





    • #3378

      Hey guys…let joe know Gorge has been cancelled due to nukin conditions in HATTERAS! We have had 11 days out of 15 on 4.0 or smaller here and it has been sunny and warm!!!!    it will be at least another month before nuke comes to Oregon….PS: It is only a one day drive to the beach from your house!!!


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