Sunday/Monday Forecast

Home Page Discussion Forum General Windsports Discussion Sunday/Monday Forecast

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    • #6141

      Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

      Father’s day not looking too good for windsports on the lake with minimal flow and very hot temps. The barbecue may be a better option as bubbling/doming will likely be an issue.

      Monday has some potential with a deep trough directly over Lake Erie and Ontario probably giving us 4-6mbar of gradient over the 2 lakes, BUT a lot depends on the accompanying cold front. Will the cold front pass through before dark? There may possibly be the option of a sunrise session to beat the heat, but let’s take a closer look at this Sunday evening.

      Happy Father’s Day!

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by mihelbergel.
    • #6143

      Oh Monday, Monday…how you vex me!

      vex (veks): make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.

      To begin, there will be likely be wind on Monday, however, the question is when and where because of the HEAT (bubbling). If you enjoy windsurfing at inland locations, like the Niagara River or the pond in Rochester, then you have a very good chance of wind much of the late morning and afternoon. That option is not a good one for kiters as the lulls in those locations drop kites out of the sky and the gusts hot launch you to Canada. In addition, many of us windsurfers do not care for the gust/lull conditions of inland locations, so let’s look at LAKE options next.

      Sunrise may still be an option for a light wind insurance session to beat the heat, so you might want to check the wind and forecasts at 5am, and, if it looks decent, grab a PowerBar and get to the beach for sunrise at 5:30am. However, I think I’m gonna hold out for pre-frontal wind later in the day.  It’s conflicted as to the exact timing of the cold front probably because it will not be moving very quickly. I don’t think there will be too much wind after the cold front passes with this one (plus a lot of rain), but I do think there is the chance for some wind as the front approaches, even with the heat. So, I’m gonna keep my options open between 11am-8pm and watch the meters for a 12m kite session or maybe better.

    • #6144

      I”m hoping for an afternoon session. fingers crossed!

      thanks for the heads up


    • #6145
      Isaac B

      Packed and ready to go…after 4pm.

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